The adventures of Jaci and Dane

Monday, October 06, 2008

Field Work in Ireland June 08

I was lucky enough to go to Ireland to catch some cool fish this year. Had a great time catching fish and hanging out in a cool mobile home

Field Work in Alaska June 08

Went to Alaska for fieldwork in June. Had lots of fun with a Sydney catching fish and looking super cool in our waders.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Playoffs - Game 6 Utah Jazz vs LA lakers

I was lucky enough to go to the playoffs! It was awesome to be in the crowd, bummer that we lost.

A bit of the action

Britt, Sean, Erica and Me at the game! Please note the cool 'old school' Jazz t-shirts

Dane in Oz April/May 2008

I was home in April for my graduation, which i'd defered for half a year or so. Spent some time with family and friends, which was great. Had a swim at cloey - fricken freezing, but nice to be back in the ocean.

Easter til April 2008

Easter was filled with chocolate and weird polish food. April til May bought us snow!! When will spring come?

Dane in New Orleans

I went to New Orleans for the American Physical Society March Meeting - hanging with my 5000 odd favourite physicists.

Matts Wedding March 2008

In march one of my students, Matt, got married to the lovely Kristen. This was ny first Mormon wedding. Since i am not Mormon i could not go to the wedding, but my whole lab went to the reception. We had a really great afternoon and i even caught the bouquet.

Skiers Heaven

A 30 minute drive from our house is some of the best skiing in the world. Dane and I enjoyed a wonderful ski season. I learnt how to ski and Dane managed a couple of double black diamonds. Already looking forward to the next ski season.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Australia Day 2008

Dane and I celebrated Australia Day with a few of our Yankee friends. We treated them to delicacies such as Lamingtons, Fairy Bread and Meat Pies!
Mmmmm home made meat pies

Heidi, Ashley and Erica enjoying their first meat pies

Dane ready to carve the pav.

Sean showing his love for Fosters beer

All the pics from the big day

Las Vegas New Years 2007

For New Years we joined Lynne and Nanny Pam for a trip to Vegas!
Dane and I all excited on the bus to the airport

Dane prepared for the fireworks

Fireworks over the strip

Hanging with the other expats

Water show at the Bellagio

Enjoying a few cocktails before a show

We also headed out to hoover dam to see one of the seven wonders of the industrial world.

Dane and the generators

The dam

Dane and I got sick of each other so we decided that we should stay in different states.

Here are some more of our pics

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Christmas 2007

I was dreaming of a white christmas and i got one!
Me hiding behind the snow covered trees at the Mormon temple

Mormon temple all alight

Dane and Nanny Pam checking out what Santa bought us!

Dane ready to carve the turkey. Mmmmmm

Graduation (Dec 2007)

The big day had arrived, Gradution, we frocked up and tried to look smart as we were awarded ou PhDs!!
Me, Ev and Al- Ladies in Red

With the Profs Frank and Chris

Dr Bentley and Dr Aldenhoven

Celebratory Cocktails

More pics of Graduation

Beck and Matts Wedding (Dec 07)

It was very exciting to be in town for Becks big day, and to see all the girls all dressed up.

The girls
Nush and I enjoying the water view.

Tracey and Me

The girls with the beautiful bride

More pics of the wedding

Back Home (Dec 2007)

In Decmeber i got to come home for two weeks for a wedding, a gradutation and to catch up with everyone. Two weeks is too short!

The girls down at Coogee beach (Nush, Me, Alex K and Alex H)

Enjoying some good food at the Pub with Liz and Nush

Al and I seeing the very cute Annabel for the first time

Relaxing with Al by the Harbour having a wine of two

Nush, Trina, Alex, Me and Kath at the Opera Bar

More pics from Aus trip!

Getting ready for the ski season (Nov 2007)

Dane and I invested in 'cool' ski gear. We were very excited so we had to try our new stuff out. All we needed now was snow...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Go the Utes

We went to our first American Football game... and it went for 4 hours!!

Sean, Britt and Erica enjoying the game

Sean and Britt cheering

Go Utes

Marching Band

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New York October 2007

In October we ventured across the country to visit Danes sister Britt in New York. We had an awesome weekend of sight seeing and fun. We also ran into Liz running around NY (it is a small world).

The Brooklyn Bridge

Scary Security guards in the financial district

On the Staten Island ferry, with Manhatten in the background

Coney Island. Dane and Britt looking sad that the rides were closed. Glen was ok with the situation.

Dane and Jaci at the Beach

Interesting games at Coney Island

Chilling with Liz on top of the Empire State Building

Glen, Britt, Liz and Dane doing their impersonations on the Statue of Liberty.


Hanging out with the workmen in NY

Brothers and Sisters hanging in Central Park. (Britt, Dane, Liz and James)

Jaci and Liz in the pub

Jaci with her Hogwarts friends

Dane and his pet Polar Bear

More of our adventures in NY