The adventures of Jaci and Dane

Monday, March 12, 2007

A weekend in SLC and our first visitor

Friday night Dane and i thought we would show some interest in Uni activities and headed to the womens gymnastics.....
In attendance that night were 12,000 people and it was televised the next night!!
On Saturday our first visitor arrived. Nadia!! We thought we would show her the sites of SLC
Nadia and Dane getting to know the founder of the Mormon Church (Joe Smith)
Testing of local food. Mmmmmm Buffalo wings!

Dane found a friend in Park City!

The freestyle skiing championships. Amazing!

"This is the Place" Park. After the mormans crossed the mountains they came to this spot and said "this is the place" and settled down. (Please note we are pointing to the place.)

Jaci's New Lab

My lab in utah is really nice. And as you can see here myself (Jaci) and my lab mate Ashley are very serious scientists in our lab coats.