The adventures of Jaci and Dane

Monday, April 09, 2007

A weekend in SLC with Peta

Our second visitor, Peta, arrived on the Easter weekend. So Dane and i attempted to show her the sights.

R2D2's day job, collecting the mail!
Dane and Peta infront of Mormon HQ

Dane and I relaxing outside the Mormon Church

The Mormon Church in SLC

Spring is here!! The pretty flowers around the Church

The girls enjoying the flowers!

Dane and Peta outside the capitol theatre in Downtown SLC

Peta showing Dane that she is much better at basketball than him. (This is the basketball court in our apartment block)

The BBQ at our apartment block

Our Spa

Just waiting for it to warm up to test out the pool

View from our balcony. Yes there are mountains in the background.

Sugarhouse park. Just up the street from our place

Peta and I enjoying the sun in the park. A nice warm sunny Easter Sunday!

More crazy kids in the park

The main building/club house at out apartment block

Dane and Peta playing a relaxing game of chess after a hard day in the park!

Moving to our new place

We moved out our hotel after three weeks, to our lovely apartment in Sugarhouse.
Dane and Nadia in our cool U-haul truck

Our cool U-haul truck!!

Dane trying on his new shoes, sitting on our lovesac

Dane trying to finish his thesis in our Dining Room

Our Lounge Room