The adventures of Jaci and Dane

Thursday, July 05, 2007

4th of July

It was time for us to celebrate independence day, an important day for all Australians, ensuring that we would always be the top medal winner at the Commonwealth games. We had a great day, relaxing, swimming and watching the fireworks!

Dane enjoying the street fair in Sugarhouse.

George and Jaci very proud of their patriotic cookies.

Ashleys very patriotic toenails

George proud of the amount of beer consumed on this holiday.

The big kids love sparklers!

Yipee! Fireworks!!

The masses of people making their way home. We have never seen so many people in salt lake city!!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Arches National Park

Last weekend Dane, George and I went on a trip to Arches National Park (otherwise known as the wonderful world of erosion). Apart from it being about 40*C plus, we had a awesome time exploring a bit of Utah.

Dane and George excited to be at the arches.

Dane ensuring that the "Balanced rock" did not fall down.

George and Jaci, with the amazing delicate arch between us.

Dane's impersonation of the rock climbing goats in the park.

The local pub. Interesting name!

Jaci climbing into one of the ruins. Hundreds of years ago the pueblo people lived and built homes in the middle of this desert. Jaci is climbing down into to one of their houses. It was atleast 10-20* cooler inside.

Dane climbing out of one of the connections between the rooms.

Dane and George throwing rocks off a bridge into the Colorado River

Cool shop built into the rock!