The adventures of Jaci and Dane

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New York October 2007

In October we ventured across the country to visit Danes sister Britt in New York. We had an awesome weekend of sight seeing and fun. We also ran into Liz running around NY (it is a small world).

The Brooklyn Bridge

Scary Security guards in the financial district

On the Staten Island ferry, with Manhatten in the background

Coney Island. Dane and Britt looking sad that the rides were closed. Glen was ok with the situation.

Dane and Jaci at the Beach

Interesting games at Coney Island

Chilling with Liz on top of the Empire State Building

Glen, Britt, Liz and Dane doing their impersonations on the Statue of Liberty.


Hanging out with the workmen in NY

Brothers and Sisters hanging in Central Park. (Britt, Dane, Liz and James)

Jaci and Liz in the pub

Jaci with her Hogwarts friends

Dane and his pet Polar Bear

More of our adventures in NY

First Snow of the Season: September 2007

It snowed in September!! Crazyness!!!

Visiting my great Aunt in the OC

In september, during my mums visit to sunny salt lake, we went to the OC to visit Aunty Ev.

Mum and Ev enjoying the view

Sunset over the Pacific

Aunty Ev and her awesome Cadillac

Aunty Ev and Jaci on her balcony!

Dane in Tallahassee

The National High Magnetic Field Lab in Tallahassee, Florida. I'm doing some experiments here at the moment.
The equipment stopped working, so I had a few days to explore Northern Florida. This is a picture of a bridge over a large bay.
Went for a swim at what looks like a nice beach (was an ok beach), but no waves. The beach is on the north coast of the Gulf of Mexico.
Nice place to watch the hurricanes from!

Mini Golf Mania

A sunny saturday led to Mini Golf Mania. The Banish Clan (Britt, Matt and Chris) plus Ashley, Jay, Dane and Jaci, competed to see whom was the best mini golfer.

Ashley lining up a shot

The competition becomes intense!!!

Chris, Dane, Ashley, Brit, Matt and Jay all hiding in the shade

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

More visitors in August

In August we had some more visitors, Maja and Susan came to visit us and we had a lovely weekend.
Maja, Dane and Susan hanging at the Salt Lake Temple

The gang at the roller derby

Flying a Kite in the park

Maja showing off her kite flying skills

Dane and Susan enjoying some desert

Ratso's Visit August

Ratso came to visit us in August, and suprise, suprise we went to see some trains! We headed to the Golden Spike, where the Trans American Railway joined up.

Dane and Ratso

Ashley, Jaci, Ratso, Dane and Train guy at the Golden Spike

Ratso checking out the American Trains

Jaci and Ashley hanging out at the Golden Spike

Replica of one of th trains at the Golden Spike