The adventures of Jaci and Dane

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Playoffs - Game 6 Utah Jazz vs LA lakers

I was lucky enough to go to the playoffs! It was awesome to be in the crowd, bummer that we lost.

A bit of the action

Britt, Sean, Erica and Me at the game! Please note the cool 'old school' Jazz t-shirts

Dane in Oz April/May 2008

I was home in April for my graduation, which i'd defered for half a year or so. Spent some time with family and friends, which was great. Had a swim at cloey - fricken freezing, but nice to be back in the ocean.

Easter til April 2008

Easter was filled with chocolate and weird polish food. April til May bought us snow!! When will spring come?

Dane in New Orleans

I went to New Orleans for the American Physical Society March Meeting - hanging with my 5000 odd favourite physicists.

Matts Wedding March 2008

In march one of my students, Matt, got married to the lovely Kristen. This was ny first Mormon wedding. Since i am not Mormon i could not go to the wedding, but my whole lab went to the reception. We had a really great afternoon and i even caught the bouquet.

Skiers Heaven

A 30 minute drive from our house is some of the best skiing in the world. Dane and I enjoyed a wonderful ski season. I learnt how to ski and Dane managed a couple of double black diamonds. Already looking forward to the next ski season.