The adventures of Jaci and Dane

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Fishing in Alaska

Was lucky enough to be sent to Alaska to do some fish collecting and to make crosses between interesting fish.

This is Mud Lake. Beautiful scencery, but i di manage to fall and get stuck in the mud a couple of times. The mud there was about thigh deep.

Ashley and i after we had both manged to fall in the swamp.

Me looking for a good place to put some traps to get some sticklebacks.

A car full of supplies. Traps, coolers, waders etc.... Peter "spiderman" Park and i pulling in and setting out traps in Mud Lake.
Sorting out our catch of Sticklebacks.

Backseat lab. This was our little set up to make crosses in the field.

Peter and i glued to our microscopes. We spent hours infront of the microscope checking eggs, making crosses and disecting fish.

Feel the serenity....

I am in the middle of nowheresville alaska, and what do i find? A Sydney Uni veterniary Hospital Sticker. It is a small world!

Ashley and Brian found a new friend in downtown Anchorage.


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