The adventures of Jaci and Dane

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Stickleback Course at Stanford

In July, I got to got to Stanford to attend the Stickleback course, to teach me all things stickleback!The chapel in the Main Quad.

My Group (me, Saad, Brian and Sean) Keepin' it real!

A bit of breaky. Mike, Brian, Matt, Sean, Duncan, Anna and me.

At the soccer at the Stanford Stadium. Chlesea vs Club America
Out collecting fisn at Salina's. Anna, Matt, Me and Brian.

Some Sticklebacks we caught. I did kiss them and throw them back.

Brian with the cool packed lunches we got on our excursion to the Monteray Bay aquarium.

Some cool Jelly fish at the Monteray Bay aquarium.


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